MICAI is an automated investment service based in Beijing, PRC.
They have a variety of investments portfolio such as stock indices, bonds and commodities, in PRC as well as abroad. Also, they can automatically invest a certain amount for you every month so you save a ton of time. MICAI invest according to the so-called optimal portfolio theory, a Nobel prize winning theory, which is used on Wall Street for optimal diversification of customer's long-term investments.
Mission of MICAI is to bring best investment experience to people through innovative finance, design and engineering. And, their goal is to be the personal wealth manager for everyone, so the logo should match that level of the service.
The end of last year, we received a message from them via Behance. We had a very interested in their corporate culture (Design driven / Data driven / Fail friendly environment) and principles ( Simple / Impute / Empathy / Focus / Aggressive). Then, new VI construction project of MICAI had started.

Client: MICAI Limited
Range of work: Visual Identity construction, Stationary (Business card)
Range of work: Visual Identity construction, Stationary (Business card)
2015 Beijing, PRC