F.ACE is a newly released apparel-specialized EC platform (SaaS) by SCSK Group - SCSK Prescend Corporation and Diamond head Co., Ltd.
The name is F.ACE consists of combining "F." and "ACE". Other than Fashion, the “F” represents F.ACE’s advancedness (Future), its ease of expanding the features and flexibleness in the omnichannel expansion (Flexibility), high functionality (Function), automatic and quick update functionality of SaaS (Fast), and pioneering the new initiative within apparel EC platforms and frontier the new areas (Frontier).
"ACE" means "the best, an excellent thing, the trump card, easy success". Having this said, F.ACE represents "the best platform leading the apparel EC industry that responds flexibly and quickly with its advanced functions".
The name is F.ACE consists of combining "F." and "ACE". Other than Fashion, the “F” represents F.ACE’s advancedness (Future), its ease of expanding the features and flexibleness in the omnichannel expansion (Flexibility), high functionality (Function), automatic and quick update functionality of SaaS (Fast), and pioneering the new initiative within apparel EC platforms and frontier the new areas (Frontier).
"ACE" means "the best, an excellent thing, the trump card, easy success". Having this said, F.ACE represents "the best platform leading the apparel EC industry that responds flexibly and quickly with its advanced functions".
F.ACEは、SCSKグループのSCSKプレッシェンド株式会社とダイヤモンドヘッド株式会社がリリースしたアパレル特化型ECプラットフォーム (Saas)である。
F.ACEという名称は、”F.”と”ACE”の組み合わせから成り立っている。この”F”は、Fashion (ファッション)という意味の他、未来を見据えたF.ACEの先進性 (Future)、機能拡張の容易さやオムニチャネル拡大を見据えたフレキシブルさ (Flexibility)、高い機能性 (Function)、SaaSによる自動的かつスピーディなアップデート機能 (Fast)、アパレルECプラットフォームにおける新施策の先駆であり、新領域への開拓者 (Frontier)という意味を含む。

Various functions and features of F.ACE, and the experience brought by clients and end-users using F.ACE, will directly lead to their higher satisfaction. Such high satisfaction represents “smiles from the heart” by clients and end-users, which can be found also in F.ACE’s symbol expressing the smile itself. Moreover, the quarter of a circle below the symbol shows the mouth that builds a smile, which represents the growth of a client’s business by adopting F.ACE, and the positioning change of the apparel industry itself generated by the advanced initiatives of F.ACE.

Client: SCSK Prescend Corporation / Diamond head Co.,Ltd.
Logo concept & design: Hiromi Maeo (enhanced Inc.)
Coordinate & Management: Mao Sakaguchi (H.P. FRANCE S.A.) / Koichiro Shibata (Diamond Head Co.,Ltd.)
2018, Tokyo, Japan