BISOU in French means "a casual kiss as a greeting". Borderless and genderless, just like a casual kiss, it is a new cosmetic brand by yUKI TAKESHIMA for people who can freely try new things regardless of gender.
BISOU - Enhancing Stick is BISOU's first product based on the concept “enhance”, which means to strengthen one’s innate characteristics. With many celebrity customers, global make-up artist yUKI TAKESHIMA collaborates with famous cosmetic and fashion brands and plays an active role in the backstages of domestic and international fashion shows including the Paris Collection. This product is abundant in her experiences and ideas about makeup.
BISOU - Enhancing Stick is BISOU's first product based on the concept “enhance”, which means to strengthen one’s innate characteristics. With many celebrity customers, global make-up artist yUKI TAKESHIMA collaborates with famous cosmetic and fashion brands and plays an active role in the backstages of domestic and international fashion shows including the Paris Collection. This product is abundant in her experiences and ideas about makeup.
BISOU - Enhancing Stick was announced / pre-sold at a special talk show held in March 2019 at the cosmetics specialty store Cosme Kitchen in Omotesando Hills, Tokyo. Initially, only several stores and online stores were scheduled to be launched. However, it was revealed upon product announcement that the product would be sold at about 60 locations including Cosme Kitchen and related stores throughout Japan.
We enhanced Inc. worked with Seekers Base Japan Corp on the brand's logo construction, package design, leaflet, and store display appliance design.
BISOU (ビズゥ) は、フランス語で「挨拶がわりの気軽なキス」を意味する。ボーダーレスでジェンダーレス。まるで気軽なキスのように、男女問わず新しいことへ気軽に挑戦できる、そんな人々に向けたyUKI TAKESHIMAの新しいコスメブランドである。
BISOU - Enhancing Stick (エンハンシングスティック) は、エンハンス (本来自分が持つ特徴を強化する) という考え方を基にしたBISOU初の製品である。数々のセレブリティを顧客に持ち、有名コスメブランドやファッションブランドとのコラボレーション、パリコレをはじめとする国内外ファッションショーのバックステージ等でも活躍する世界的メイクアップアーティスト・yUKI TAKESHIMA。本製品には、その彼女のメイクに対する経験やアイデアがふんだんに盛り込まれている。
BISOU - Enhancing Stickは、2019年3月に東京・表参道ヒルズ内のコスメ専門店・Cosme Kitchenで開催されたスペシャルトークショーで発表/先行販売された。当初、同店2−3店舗とオンラインストアのみの発売予定となっていたが、製品発表の際には日本全国のCosme Kitchenや関連店舗を含めて約60箇所で展開されることになった。
enhanced Inc.は、Seekers Base Japan Corpとともに本ブランドのロゴ構築、パッケージデザイン、リーフレットや店舗用陳列什器のデザイン等に携わった。

Client: LOOP.Inc
Management & Branding: Seekers Base Japan Corp
Creative art direction, Logo design, Package design, Store display appliance design, etc.: Hiromi Maeo (enhanced Inc.)
Portrait photos: Katsuhide Morimoto
Product photos: Yoshitsugu Enomoto
2018~ Tokyo, Japan