The First Official Paralympics Video-game
In 2021, the Tokyo Olympic/Paralympic Games, postponed due to the coronavirus pandemic, will finally be held.
The First Official Paralympics Video-game
In 2021, the Tokyo Olympic/Paralympic Games, postponed due to the coronavirus pandemic, will finally be held.
Before this, the first-ever International Paralympic Committee official video game called THE PEGASUS DREAM TOUR, was released worldwide by JP GAMES. By using video game techniques and knowledge, THE PEGASUS DREAM TOUR generates and raises awareness of para-sports and aims to realize a truly diverse society.
We enhanced Inc. helped design this video game’s logo.
We enhanced Inc. helped design this video game’s logo.
これに先立ち、史上初の国際パラリンピック委員会 (IPC) オフィシャルゲーム・THE PEGASUS DREAM TOUR (ザ ペガサス ドリーム ツアー) がJP GAMESから全世界に向けてリリースされた。THE PEGASUS DREAM TOURは、ゲームの手法や知見をふんだんに活用し、パラスポーツのさらなる認知・活性化・普及、そして、真に多様性ある社会を目指す。
enhanced Inc.は、本ゲームのロゴ構築に携わった。
enhanced Inc.は、本ゲームのロゴ構築に携わった。

The logo design has the same impact, sports taste, and sense of cool as the art style
The logo design has the same impact, sports taste, and sense of cool as the art style
of GODTAIL, the game’s main illustrator. In the presentation of the logo, we tried to make it fun for Mr. Tabata and the staff of JP Games by devising a way to depict it in the same cool manner. Furthermore, Mr. Tabata is known as the director of FINAL FANTASY XV and is one of the most successful RPG game directors in the world.
ロゴデザインは、メインイラストレーター・GODTAIL氏の画風に負けないインパクト、スポーツテイスト、クールさを感じさせるものとした。また、ロゴのプレゼンテーションでは、見せ方を工夫することでJP GAMESの田畑氏およびスタッフの方々に楽しんでもらえるよう心がけた。田畑氏はファイナルファンタジーXVのディレクターとして知られ、世界で最も成功したRPGゲームディレクターの一人である。

After proposing a few logo plans, the final symbol chosen was that of Pegasus, a mythical figure that flies the sky with its wings spread and its whole body energized. This symbol has three metaphors.
After proposing a few logo plans, the final symbol chosen was that of Pegasus, a mythical figure that flies the sky with its wings spread and its whole body energized. This symbol has three metaphors.

● Equilateral Triangle:
An equilateral triangle with three equal sides symbolizes a para-athlete who has trained his or her mind, skills, and body equally.
The equilateral triangle, when viewed as an arrow, symbolizes the freedom of movement of para-athletes. (Just like the Paralympic logo, the three Agitos, represent the movement of para-athletes.)
● Victory Initials V:
It is a symbol of *peoples’ continuous drive to take on challenges and to overcome them victorious regardless of the various difficulties they face in life and the limits that have been built around them.
● Pegasus:
Pegasus fly powerfully. Their flying wings are also a symbol of exceeding the limits that *people have unconsciously created around them.
*People refer to game players and Paralympic athletes
● 正三角形:
● Victoryの頭文字V:
● Victoryの頭文字V:
● ペガサス:
● ペガサス:

Red (PEGASUS RED) is the color of passion representing those who continue to challenge themselves beyond their limits and symbolizes the power of flying like the Pegasus.
Red (PEGASUS RED) is the color of passion representing those who continue to challenge themselves beyond their limits and symbolizes the power of flying like the Pegasus.
Dark gray (PEGASUS BLACK), a mixture of various colors, symbolizes diversity. The Paralympics is a fair place where diversity is recognized, and everyone can demonstrate their individuality and ability. People’s individuality and abilities can be regarded as various colors. And the mixture of such colors symbolizes diversity.
キーカラーの赤色 (PEGASUS RED) は、限界点を超えることに挑戦し続ける人々が内に秘めた情熱の色であり、ペガサスのように力強く飛翔するための力の色である。
ベースカラーは多様性を表す黒に近いダークグレイ (PEGASUS BLACK) 。パラリンピックは、多様性を認め、誰もが個性や能力を発揮し活躍できる公正な場である。「十人十色」という言葉にもあるように、人々の個性や能力はさまざまな色として捉えることができる。それらが混ざりあった色こそが多様性の象徴と言えるだろう。
ベースカラーは多様性を表す黒に近いダークグレイ (PEGASUS BLACK) 。パラリンピックは、多様性を認め、誰もが個性や能力を発揮し活躍できる公正な場である。「十人十色」という言葉にもあるように、人々の個性や能力はさまざまな色として捉えることができる。それらが混ざりあった色こそが多様性の象徴と言えるだろう。

April 2019. JP GAMES and IPC jointly released a press release for THE PEGASUS DREAM TOUR. This news spread around the world with surprise and excitement and was covered by various media.
April 2019. JP GAMES and IPC jointly released a press release for THE PEGASUS DREAM TOUR. This news spread around the world with surprise and excitement and was covered by various media.
Mid-May 2021. The promotional movie was released, and pre-registration for the game started.
June 24, 2021. Worldwide launched.
June 24, 2021. Worldwide launched.
This logo is also used abundantly in various scenes in the game.
2019年4月。JP GAMESとIPCは、共同でTHE PEGASUS DREAM TOURのプレスリリースを発表。このニュースは驚きと興奮をもって全世界に広がり、様々なメディアで取り上げられた。

Client: JP GAMES, inc.
Logo concept & design, Logo guidelines: Hiromi Maeo (enhanced Inc.)
Coordinator: Mao Sakaguchi (H.P. FRANCE S.A.)
Character illustrations: GODTAIL Inc.
Character illustrations: GODTAIL Inc.
2019-2021 Tokyo, Japan
© 2021 JP GAMES, Inc. THE PEGASUS DREAM TOUR, and the shield logo are trademarks of JP GAMES, Inc.
All other trademarks and trade names are property of their respective owners.
© 2021 The International Paralympic Committee (IPC).
All other trademarks and trade names are property of their respective owners.
© 2021 The International Paralympic Committee (IPC).