FGM3 Environmental
FGM3 Environmental is an ethical company working on solving problems of the world with engineering and technology. ”Engineered magic for good!” as a slogan, they solve urban and environmental problems, by using engineering and technology. In October 2015 we received the offer to construct their logo.
FGM3 Enviromentalは、3世代で工学とテクノロジーで世の中の問題を解決することに取り組むエシカル企業である。”Engineered magic for good!”をスローガンとして掲げる彼らは、工学・テクノロジーを用いて都市・環境問題を解決する。2015年10月、私たちは彼らのロゴ構築のオファーを受けた。
New identity development / Guideline / Business card design
新しいアイデンティティ構築 / ガイドライン / ビジネスカードのデザイン
Requests residing logo development
• Not a company that does just environmental conservation, so do not use popular "environmental" color such as green and blue (prefer using red)
• Emphasize the company as engineering and technology oriented
• 環境保全だけを行う企業ではないので、緑や青といった環境を表す色は使用しない (赤を使用したい)
• 工学・テクノロジー企業であることを強調したい

• Line: Engineering, Technology
• 3 lines: the three generations
• 3 colors: character of each generation
• Red color: having passion and energy
The three lines proceed in one direction. It shows the utilization of technology to solve problems of the world and composes the unique word mark FMG3. The three colors by overlooking becomes one red color, showing its passionate and energetic aspect of the company to solve problems of the world. Also, the lines bented show the change and tipping point their engineering and technology provide.
• Straight Line: エンジニアリング、テクノロジー
• 3 lines: 3世代そのもの
• 3 colors: 3世代それぞれの個性
• Red color: 情熱やエネルギーを持つこと

Client: FGM3 Environmental LLC
Art direction and design: Hiromi Maeo
Project management: Kayoko Tuchiya
Range of work: Visual identity development, Gideline, Business card
Art direction and design: Hiromi Maeo
Project management: Kayoko Tuchiya
Range of work: Visual identity development, Gideline, Business card
2015 Santa Fe, New Mexico