Award Badges for
Adobe College Creative Jam
As part of the Adobe Creative Residency Community Fund, I designed badges for the College Creative Jam winners.
Adobe College Creative Jam
As part of the Adobe Creative Residency Community Fund, I designed badges for the College Creative Jam winners.
The College Creative Jam is a design competition to come up with creative solutions to real-world social problems while using Adobe design tools.
Adobe Creative Residency Community Fundの一環として、College Creative Jam受賞者のためのバッジデザインを行った。College Creative Jamとは、Adobeのデザインツールを使用しながら実在する社会問題に対するクリエイティブな解決策を導くためのデザインコンペである。

The design of the badges was kept as simple as possible so that it would not interfere with the award-winning works when in use and would not interfere with the Creative Jam branding. The circles surrounding the letters on the badge are elements of the acronym CCJ, which stands for College Creative Jam and represents the circulation and sublimation of creativity.
使用時に受賞作品の邪魔にならず、かつ、Creative Jam自体のブランディングを阻害しないよう受賞バッジのデザインは至極シンプルな構成とした。バッジの文字を囲む円は、College Creative Jamの頭文字であるCCJの要素であり、創造性の循環と昇華を表す。

Moreover, these badges will be used not only for the College Creative Jam in Japan but also in the US.
これらの受賞バッジは、日本だけでなくUSのCollege Creative Jamでも使用される予定である。
Adobe Creative Jam
http://adobecreativejams.com/ | https://www.creativejam.in/
Adobe Creative Residency Community Fund
http://adobecreativejams.com/ | https://www.creativejam.in/
Adobe Creative Residency Community Fund
Client: Adobe
Design: Hiromi Maeo (enhanced Inc.)
2021 Tokyo, Japan